[REVIEW] Jade Cocoon

A game being older and relatively obscure in no way diminishes how playable it can still be, even in the face of so many other games of the same genre. And sometimes, just sometime, an overlooked game can actually have some groundbreaking mechanics for its time, mechanics that I really wish had become more standard... Continue Reading →

[REVIEW] Slime Rancher

Monster-raising sim games? Don't mind if I do! But unlike many games that fall under that description, Monomi Park's Slime Rancher doesn't involve traveling around the world and battling against other monsters in order to progress. It's something very different, much more relaxing, and 100% adorable. Slime Rancher takes place on another world known as... Continue Reading →

[REVIEW] Siralim 3

Have you ever encountered a game and thought, "This is the exact game I need at this exact moment?" The game doesn't have to be particularly involving or challenging or even objectively good (is there even such a thing as objectively good?), but it's just what you need at that point in your life. For... Continue Reading →

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