So You Want to be a Video Game Reviewer.

Lately I've come to a sad conclusion. And it's this: most people have absolutely no freaking clue what goes into being a game reviewer. They have no idea what goes into being any kind of reviewer. And that includes the makers of the things reviewers review. So I wanted to take some time to bore... Continue Reading →

I Played the Code Vein Demo!

I've been hearing stuff about Code Vein for a little while, and everything I heard told me that yes, this is absolutely a game I will want, and no, I can't actually afford to buy it right now (soon, my precious, soon). Not even the offer of donating my blood to get a copy was... Continue Reading →

Personal Update

I know it sounds like I'm making excuses, but... My attempts to stream game stuff? It has to stop. Why? Because this month, almost every time I've made plans to stream, something terrible has happened. Last Sunday? I was going to stream, but that evening we got an email from our landlord, telling us they... Continue Reading →

Why Adaptations Should Probably Happen Less

Adaptations are one of those things that almost always are met with a weird mix of excitement and trepidation. Excitement, because we all have our favourite franchises that we want to see more of, and trepidation, because adaptations typically don't go over all that well. Especially video game adaptations. Yes, there are some that beat... Continue Reading →

Not Dead, Really!

It's been a while. How are you all doing? Still good? Still playing games? Good, I'm glad to hear it. Me? Oh, I've been around. Having an identity crisis, getting ridiculously busy with school, being sick. You know, the usual. I haven't written any reviews lately. Heck, I've barely had time to play any games.... Continue Reading →

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