In the past few years, I've gotten a little bit fascinated with games that are presented as though it's all real, stripping away a layer of reality. Games like Simulacra, Emily is Away, and to a large extent Welcome to the Game. Games where part of the gameplay involves interacting with technology, communicating with characters... Continue Reading →

[GAME SPOTLIGHT] Monster Harvest

You know me and my love of monster-raising games and RPGs. Throw those things together with a farming sim, and you've got a match made in heaven! And that seems to be exactly what Merge Games (whose games I already have more than a few of in my library) did with their game Monster Harvest.... Continue Reading →

[REVIEW] Umurangi Generation

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. (They also say to avoid cliches like the plague, but sometimes a saying is just too good to not use.) That's the first thing that came to mind once I started playing Umurangi Generation, a game that's ostensibly about photography but is also a lot like... Continue Reading →

[DEMO] Wonhon: A Vengeful Spirit

I am a huge fan of East Asian horror in pretty much any form. Movies, TV shows, books, and also games. So encountering the demo for a Korean-inspired horror game, Wonhon: A Vengeful Spirit, I was definitely intrigued enough to check out the game and see for myself if it scratched the right itch. Developed... Continue Reading →

[REVIEW] At Dead of Night

Experimenting with blending media can be tricky. FMV games have, over time, gotten a bit of a reputation as being a bit cheesy, fun to chuckle at but nothing to really take seriously. With the advent of high-quality CGI, they can seem a bit like relics of the past, outdated and pointless when better storytelling... Continue Reading →

[REVIEW] Watch Dogs: Legion

Watch Dogs isn't a series I ever really thought I'd play. In fairness, I can't say I really knew much about the games beyond some vague commentary on the marketing, but what I knew could be boiled down to, "Look at me, I'm a cool guy doing cool things, look how cool a guy I... Continue Reading →

[REVIEW] Jade Cocoon

A game being older and relatively obscure in no way diminishes how playable it can still be, even in the face of so many other games of the same genre. And sometimes, just sometime, an overlooked game can actually have some groundbreaking mechanics for its time, mechanics that I really wish had become more standard... Continue Reading →

[REVIEW] Slime Rancher

Monster-raising sim games? Don't mind if I do! But unlike many games that fall under that description, Monomi Park's Slime Rancher doesn't involve traveling around the world and battling against other monsters in order to progress. It's something very different, much more relaxing, and 100% adorable. Slime Rancher takes place on another world known as... Continue Reading →

[REVIEW] Little Dragons Cafe

I've never hidden the fact that I quite enjoy a lot of simulation games, and even moreso when there's some sort of fantasy aspect to them. So when a friend brought Little Dragons Cafe to my attention, I immediately thought it would be something I'd enjoy. Finding out that it was headed by the person... Continue Reading →

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